The Vasa Museum
Exhibition, 2012

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The Vasa ship – a war machine
A permanent exhibition about how The Swedish ship Vasa would have functioned as warship. The exhibition design is depicting before the battle- in battle – after the battle. Visitors is allowed to follow the footprints of an anonymous sailor and each 1/2 hour the battle begins.
The exhibition is organised around a 5 meter tall reflective glass and steel structure, the hull. The glass wall positions itself in axes with the Vasa Ship and divides the space into multiple smaller areas. Placed diagonally in the room it reflects the original Vasa ship and multiplies the number of canons preserved. The glass shifts between being occasionally transparent and reflective, staging the relations between visitors ship and visitors in-between. When reflective it creates the illusion of several ships though with the original artefact Vaasa in the lead role.
Statens maritime museer. The Vasa museum, Månsson & Dahlbäck Arkitektkontor.
JAC.TA, Tove Alderin, Johan Carlsson
Ljusarkitektur, Ljusdesign
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